Thursday, 30 October 2008


I just spent half an hour writing about Zeitgeist and lost the bloody text!!!

This rather intriguing movie can be seen at the above location and is worth seeing, although it should be viewed critically. It is not a film for the faint hearted or those with a short attention span, and probably not for those with a religious conviction, though from those that i know that have a faith, nothing could ever shake that. Evidence matters not a jot.

The film is about power and those that wield it and have done throughout the history of man. Religions had their day, and in the name of their mythology, have condemned so many to death. They also kept people in poverty while building the edifices that we all see and say Wow to.

One line , a quote that i will misquote now, talked about the Power of love needing to overtake the love of power, but until that happens and the mythological hell freezes over, we are doomed to be led by, not incompetant governments but by those with the real power - Money.

Money makes money and the banking corporations own us all. They thrive on poverty, misery and warfare, probably even famine and pestilence. They are in a win win situation as long as the population remains in ignorance or at the best - denial.

Much of the world, and i include my own country, is peopled by the ignorant. Most people are so busy trying to make a living and keep warm, that they are led so easily by the media, which in turn are controlled by the wealthy. We do as we are told and we do so willingly and without question, blissfully unaware that we are the tools of capitalism. ther is no need for any conspiracy as long as the sheep don't get out of their heavily guarded pens.

Ignorance is maintained by dumbing down of everything, including a curriculum in schools that has no content, little challenge and none of the real truth that matters.

We are lied to, day after day after day. People are sent to war, to maintain the profitability of the central banking system. We are terrified by the spectre of terrorism, that is in itself maintained by the same systems, and yet we do nothing.

Many imagine that the banks are hurting now. You can bet your life that the missing trillions are in the CBS vaults and the minds that maintain it are rubbing their hands gleefully.

Watch the movie and be aware if not afraid. Most people won't of course, and if they did, they might just shrug their shoulders and say - so what? Do i care? No of course they don't.

Wednesday, 29 October 2008


It seems a while since I wrote anything at all. I seem to find the need to express myself fading as time goes by. Partly I think that this is about laziness, but also because I find that as I get older, I seem more and more out of harmony with those around me. I really don’t set out to be different, but I seem to find myself in small minority groups on so many issues of the day.

I am not easily persuaded by others, unless they can really provide me with convincing evidence to back up their arguments, and please please never try to sell me anything.

There is a perversity in my nature that makes me go in the opposite direction to any flow of opinion or fashion and that I guess is what alienates me from people in general.

I just came back from a weekend visiting my daughter and son in law. They seem to have absorbed the misfortune that spoiled their holiday in New York, and are looking to the future with renewed optimism. It was good to spend some time with them and to be able to do some of the odd DIY jobs that busy young people never seem to be able to get around to. Us oldies still have some uses, and I was able to show them how to put up wallpaper, and to replace a broken window pane. I feel so much better for having seen them

The crunch has continued to crunch, the rich have got richer still and the poor as always will feel the pain more than anyone else, though I fear that many small businesses and even some large ones may collapse before things get any better.

Hungary is the latest European economy to teeter and it is vital that the rest of Europe should step in and prevent that situation from getting any worse. When one country collapses, many more will follow.

Anyhow I said that I’d try to be upbeat and I will say that the sun is shining today, and there is not a cloud in the sky. My mother is feeling better, and my sister’s broken rib, continues to heal.

Thursday, 16 October 2008


I really will make an effort to be upbeat next post!! Thanks for your patience.


Thanking my readers for their kind and useful comments, I continue; my week actually getting worse. I have hesitated to write about this but sometimes writing things down can help. I rarely cry. I have an ability to bury my emotions and not allow others to know what I feel. Tears were always seen as a sign of weakness and i guess that old habits die hard. Tuesday night I cried and cried, I couldn't help it. It was my daughters birthday, she is on holiday in New York and on tuesday her husband called to tell us that she had miscarried their first baby and was in a hospital. We didn't even know that she was pregnant.

Pragmatically I know that these things happen all the time and that there are usually good biological reasons as to why they happen. I know that pregnancy is hard to maintain and that the overall chances of coming to term are far smaller than most people think, but it doesn't help. She is heartbroken of course, but she will move on, always associating her birthday with her own personal tragedy, but at least she is ok and today flies home. I feel a need to hold her but that will have to wait until next week.

Oh I also spoke to my sister yesterday. She had just fallen downstairs and was in a lot of pain. I now can't get any response from her on either landline or mobile! It is a good job that I don't believe in a God, or I might begin to feel persecuted!

Tuesday, 14 October 2008

weekend woes

The weekend was difficult. A bittersweet mix if ever there was one. At the harsh end, I went to visit my mother. Something I don't do very often, and it is not her fault. When I left home all those years ago, it was to escape from the clutches of what had been holding me there, and I vowed that i would never return. When i visit, it is only ever for short spells of a day or less. This is my choice.

My mother is very ill. She has a chronic lung problem brought on largely by smoking, which she continues to do despite the misery of not being able to breathe. She now has a chest infection on top of the chronic health issue and coughs incessantly. The medication seems to do little to help and being there was horrible. I hated to see her suffer and felt bad that there was nothing that I could do to make a difference. I could have stayed longer I guess, but to what end? I could have sat with her, watching her suffer until they took her into hospital again, which of course they have.

My sister feels bad for moving away and she likes to take out her feelings on me, attempting to make me feel a guilt that is not there. I do not feel guilty, but I do feel frustrated and powerless and so have even more bad feelings associated with being in my home town. I am in a vicious spiral here, i hate being there and so i don't go and then feel bad that i don't go. Maybe my attitude is selfish but my escape from home left it's scars and its damage is permanent.

I don't even want to talk to my sister now as her projecting onto me is unpleasant and unhelpful. I know that failing parents is a problem that comes to many of us, but living so far away makes the problem so much more difficult to deal with. I don't know what to do.

Wednesday, 8 October 2008


It is so nice to know when you have been missed. I always get a warm fuzzy feeling when I get nice responses to my blog and i guess that is what keeps me coming back.

We are living in interesting times, just like in the old chinese curse, and many of us are probably going to feel the real pain of this financial turmoil before much longer. We have all been encouraged to save for the rainy days, trusting out hard earned cash into the hands of bankers (no rhyming slang intended!). Now it seems to be raining and of course we find that those same "bankers" are quickly snatching back the umbrellas.

I have no idea what it means to me at the moment. I have savings and various policies that I never expected to benefit from anyway, but I dare no even enquire as to what they are worth right now.

It still baffles me where all the money has gone!!! Someone somewhere has made a huge amount of money from us all - again!!!
At least it gives me something to rant about!

Thanks to all of you for reading :-)

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Please Hold!!!

I have been without an internet connection for a week. Dealing over a phone line with an ISP is not something to be recommended, though I have to say that the persons with whom I have been in long and tedious conversation have been very good at their jobs. They are well trained and handle customers politely and reassuringly, though when you have spoken to a dozen or more over a few days, you realise that they are rather clone like and respond in an almost Pavlovian way. Each one gives the feeling that they actually care about your problem, which of course they don’t, but even so, it is very hard to get really pissed off with them as individuals.

What does really annoy me though is the system that passes you on from one department to the next with of course the inevitable period of time “on hold”. I used to love Beethoven’s sixth symphony, but having heard it almost without a break over a crackly phone line this week, I think I may give it a miss for a while.

Anyhow, as I write this in WORD, in eager anticipation, a technician is replacing the line to the house in the hope that my online world will soon be restored.

I have felt deprived all week and only managed to catch up with email by visiting a friend, and I do hate to impose on people.

It is only when disconnected for a period of time that you realise how dependent that you have become. I know all about cold turkey now, and have been like a headless chicken, finding all sorts of displacement activities. My desk has been tidied, retidied and messed up again. My bookshelves have been re-organised and I have thrown away so much rubbish.

I have tried and failed various computer games, and got frustrated with them too. I have shredded tons of garden waste and tinkered with a little writing, but I hve not settled to a damned thing.

I have missed friends and online shopping as well as my daily news fix, and my fantasy football updates. I have missed catching up on the odd TV and radio programs that I don’t get to watch live, and I have even neglected my blog. I could have written in word of course as I am now, but somehow my heart hasn’t been in it.

I have everything crossed in the hope that soon I will have my lifeline reconnected. He is running a few tests and I should know within the hour. Wish me luck!