Freedom of speech is a nonsense. It does not exist, even in the 21st century in the so called emancipated west where we pride ourselves on basic human rights. In these scribblings I think about what I say and am careful not to write things that might result in some religious headcase removing my genitals because I have offended his sensibilities.
Last night there was a football match between France and Ireland. The outcome of which was very meaningful in the world of football in all sorts ow ways, not least financially. France won the game through a deliberate foul that the referee and his linesmen failed to see or chose to ignore. The whole world saw the offence over and over again on action replays and now everyone knows that the offending player (note that I do not use his name) is a cheat.
Members of the Ireland team of course cannot call him a cheat or refer to the incompetence of the referee without risking huge fines or suspensions, the cheating side win through on the notion that you can do that as long as no-one notices. It would seem that calling someone a cheat is worse than cheating, and so the deliberate breaking of rules has become part of the game.
In Parliament one is not allowed to call someone who is economical with the truth, a liar. And so politicians lie their way through their careers unchallenged, protected by the lack of freedom of speech.
Of course there are some things that one can criticise freely without fear of retribution and some things that you cannot. Women are free to criticise men while the inverse is seen as sexism. You can discriminate in favour of women by for example limiting electoral candidacy to females only, but would it ever be conceivable to bar females from standing for a seat?
Worst of all though is the blanket protection given to certain religious groups, whose followers include terrorists and misogynistic leaders, routinely committing atrocities against their own people while openly condemning all those who disagree with them. To raise one's voice against these people has become very difficult without incurring the wrath of the law. We live in fear of the viper that lies within our bosom and are powerless to speak out.
France will go to the world cup finals and will take with them the knowledge that they got there unfairly. If that was me i would feel very guilty and probably withdraw. However i was brought up in a different world to the sorry one that we live in today.
Thursday, 19 November 2009
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Conspiracy theory
Almost daily we hear someone or other bleating about the death of the music industry thanks to illegal downloading and the copying of recorded material. Sales of recorded music have plummeted and a song can reach number one in the charts but selling a few thousand copies.
I have always been a music fan and love to attend live concerts whenever I can, and am currently anticipating the 4Oth anniversary tour of Steeleye Span, complete with Maddie Prior. Having said that, I rarely buy music anymore, neither do I download it. I am becoming seriously disenchanted with the whole Pop industry and I for one hope that it dies a quick and painless death.
There was a time when to become a pop star, you needed either huge talent and some luck, or you needed a new and quirky idea and a lot of balls. Nowadays it seems that in order to sell a lot of records, performers need an image, a manager and an ability to look plastic and to fit into preset moulds that make you attractive to pre-adolescent girls. Boy and Girl bands spring up like weeds and die off just as quickly, always dozens more waiting to take their places.
Th "ECKS" factor is a very popular TV "Talent" show that is generating much controversy here at the moment. I mention it because it really does encapsulate all that is wrong with the world of music at the present time. For those of you who haven't seen it, vast numbers of hopefuls gradually get whittled down by a panel of judges, until a small handful are put through a series of trials and humiliations, each week one more being voted off the list, theoretically by the public. The panel of judges is of course led by the multi-millionaire who owns the show and he is accompanied by three other representatives of the "industry", none of whom seems to have a brain cell let alone a mind of their own. The weeks go by and the victims are led through various Karaoke moulds and in the end one will remain and will be given the strait jacket that leads them to become Mr or Mrs Plastic 2009. This year there is a large fly in the custard. A young duo who have the talent and the personalities of a pair of young labradors are storming along and could well win the contest. Neither of them can sing at all, but they look the part with their silly spiky hair and their utter lack of talent.
Each week, hard working singers with huge potential have been sent home while the talentless and highly irritating continue to garner support from the teenagers that are doing the voting and generating the Judge's retirement fund. Part of me suspects that there is a conspiracy going on and that the public is saying that enough is enough, but my cynical side is screaming out that this is just what people want - to see Pop Stars that are just like them - banal, ordinary and utterly dull.
I hope that these lads win, and as they accept their million pound contract, that the first thing they buy is a hammer so that they can drive in the last nails of the coffin. Maybe then, once this business is laid to rest, musicians will learn their trades in public performance and make their money for being talented and original and we can hear some real music once again.
I have always been a music fan and love to attend live concerts whenever I can, and am currently anticipating the 4Oth anniversary tour of Steeleye Span, complete with Maddie Prior. Having said that, I rarely buy music anymore, neither do I download it. I am becoming seriously disenchanted with the whole Pop industry and I for one hope that it dies a quick and painless death.
There was a time when to become a pop star, you needed either huge talent and some luck, or you needed a new and quirky idea and a lot of balls. Nowadays it seems that in order to sell a lot of records, performers need an image, a manager and an ability to look plastic and to fit into preset moulds that make you attractive to pre-adolescent girls. Boy and Girl bands spring up like weeds and die off just as quickly, always dozens more waiting to take their places.
Th "ECKS" factor is a very popular TV "Talent" show that is generating much controversy here at the moment. I mention it because it really does encapsulate all that is wrong with the world of music at the present time. For those of you who haven't seen it, vast numbers of hopefuls gradually get whittled down by a panel of judges, until a small handful are put through a series of trials and humiliations, each week one more being voted off the list, theoretically by the public. The panel of judges is of course led by the multi-millionaire who owns the show and he is accompanied by three other representatives of the "industry", none of whom seems to have a brain cell let alone a mind of their own. The weeks go by and the victims are led through various Karaoke moulds and in the end one will remain and will be given the strait jacket that leads them to become Mr or Mrs Plastic 2009. This year there is a large fly in the custard. A young duo who have the talent and the personalities of a pair of young labradors are storming along and could well win the contest. Neither of them can sing at all, but they look the part with their silly spiky hair and their utter lack of talent.
Each week, hard working singers with huge potential have been sent home while the talentless and highly irritating continue to garner support from the teenagers that are doing the voting and generating the Judge's retirement fund. Part of me suspects that there is a conspiracy going on and that the public is saying that enough is enough, but my cynical side is screaming out that this is just what people want - to see Pop Stars that are just like them - banal, ordinary and utterly dull.
I hope that these lads win, and as they accept their million pound contract, that the first thing they buy is a hammer so that they can drive in the last nails of the coffin. Maybe then, once this business is laid to rest, musicians will learn their trades in public performance and make their money for being talented and original and we can hear some real music once again.
Monday, 16 November 2009
A new week

It has been a while since I felt even remotely like writing and i know that if I don't push myself to do so that I will stop doing it altogether. I blame it on having a cold of course; one of the fringe benefits of having people to stay for a weekend. I think that my extended isolation tends to lower the efficacy of my immune system and so whenever i am exposed to viruses they see me as virgin territory and move in with relish. I should have the flu jab and the one for swine flu but I probably won't. That would mean going to the medical centre and queueing up with lots of sick people and having someone stick a needle into me. I confess that i am scared of injections - a real hangup from my childhood and one of so many.
It would seem that the government is keen to make nursing an all graduate profession, as they did with teachers a number of years back. The aim is to ensure that the quality of nursing increases and that patients will receive a better deal when they go to hospitals. I am not sure that it will help. What it might help them to do is to fill in paperwork more accurately and free up time for them to generate more.
A spell in hospital was never much fun but it has become a challenge to anyone these days. Speaking from the point of view of a fairly frequent user, I have to say that the quality of nursing care has declined massively in recent years. Side wards mean that patients can lie unattended for long periods of time without being checked on by anyone, and we frequently hear of patients who have quietly bled to death in a hospital bed. I experienced copious bleeding after my last operation and when i struggled out of bed to report it to the two nurses sitting behind a desk, all they did was to change my pillow while i was in the toilet. Nobody even looked to see where the blood was coming from - the paperwork was more important.
I am sure that there are plenty of good nurses who know how to care for patients and many who are not good at paperwork. We should be employing more of the former and allowing them to get on with the job that their profession was meant to do. Government targets are a hindrance to us all and there are walks of life where they really should be ignored. Education and medicine are not businesses and should not be treated as such.
On a different note I did promise to post the hairy thing under my nose as it develops so here we go.
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
I have just been reading about the student in Yorkshire who is facing a jail sentence for urinating onto a war memorial. As is usually the case he has claimed to have no memory of the event because he was too drunk.
Alcohol abuse has been going on since alcohol was discovered, and I have in my time drunk myself into almost oblivion and probably done shameful things that are best not spoken of. I may have even, in my youth, set out to get drunk, but I don't think that it happened on a regular basis. Nowadays it seems that there are elements of society that do this almost daily, and that many of these are young girls.
Women it would seem have adopted all that they can of male behaviour and frankly it doesn't suit them. Drunken females look even more ridiculous than drunken males and are of course incredibly vulnerable. It is so sad to watch and hear hordes of adolescent females behaving so badly and urging their male counterparts to do worse. There seems to be a lack of shame in what they do, and when they get arrested for antisocial behaviour or indecency the plea is always the same - "I didn't know what I was doing" or "i can't remember". Now i don't believe either of these statements. I admit to having been too drunk to stand up on rare occasions and yet always knew what I was doing and always remembered most of what I did the next day. Not being able to remember is a myth. Sometimes we like to think that it is the case but it is a convenient lie and besides it is meaningless in the eyes of the law.
I hope that the young man in question does go to jail and that he is named and shamed. Let's face it, if we were under Sharia law he would probably have the offending part cut off publicly.
Alcohol abuse has been going on since alcohol was discovered, and I have in my time drunk myself into almost oblivion and probably done shameful things that are best not spoken of. I may have even, in my youth, set out to get drunk, but I don't think that it happened on a regular basis. Nowadays it seems that there are elements of society that do this almost daily, and that many of these are young girls.
Women it would seem have adopted all that they can of male behaviour and frankly it doesn't suit them. Drunken females look even more ridiculous than drunken males and are of course incredibly vulnerable. It is so sad to watch and hear hordes of adolescent females behaving so badly and urging their male counterparts to do worse. There seems to be a lack of shame in what they do, and when they get arrested for antisocial behaviour or indecency the plea is always the same - "I didn't know what I was doing" or "i can't remember". Now i don't believe either of these statements. I admit to having been too drunk to stand up on rare occasions and yet always knew what I was doing and always remembered most of what I did the next day. Not being able to remember is a myth. Sometimes we like to think that it is the case but it is a convenient lie and besides it is meaningless in the eyes of the law.
I hope that the young man in question does go to jail and that he is named and shamed. Let's face it, if we were under Sharia law he would probably have the offending part cut off publicly.
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