Good habits are so easy to get out of, unlike the bad ones. Writing is one of the former, and my muse seemed to have flown away.
This is a new iPad, and in investigating its potential, I have rediscovered this Blog. Looking back over the entries I realised that I wrote quite a lot, and that some of that was ok. I also realised that the readership was very select, and that I was writing for my own benefit. No change there then.
What a lot has changed since I last had a rant. The Tories are still there and despite many attempts at self destruction, they cling on like diseased limpets on the hull of a sinking ship. Of course there are many that still think that they are a good thing, I seriously worry about those people. I heard the other day of a man who had been lying on a trolley in a hospital corridor for hours, when interviewed he said in all seriousness “This is what it would be like in Corbyn’s Britain.”. Indoctrination runs deep in the core of this country, the Tories did a very effective job there, and the Mail and the Sun, are still the top selling papers.
Brexit has been a disaster as we knew it would be, and the Royal family are tearing each others throats out. We are the world laughing stock and can do nothing but stand and watch as a totally corrupt system continues to bleed us to death.
Ukraine has been invaded by Russia and this has given oil and gas companies excuses to ramp up their profits at everyone else’s expense.
Now it is cold and I hate being cold. We came back from a long weekend away. The boiler had failed to turn on and the house temperature was nine degrees, the heating has been on steadily since then and I still feel cold.
So here we are, halfway through January. Spring seems a long way off. Happy New Year.