Wednesday, 16 January 2008


Last night, for no discernable reason, I got drunk!
The evening started normally with dinner and a glass of wine and then off went the brain and on came a movie. During which a friend called and was feeling a bit lost, so he joined in with a few more glasses of wine and when that had gone, out came the brandy and so the evening wore off.

We ended up watching Pink Floyd and stupidly listening to songs that I really should avoid at such times, however we all make mistakes and so the evening progressed. When said friend got up to go home, it was around 1 am and he fell over, twice before i got him out of the door and watched his meandering departure down the drive. He made it to the road safely, waved and vanished into the night. I guess I should have seen him home, but then he'd have had to see me back again so it was sensible to leave him to it.

I guess that I was celebrating the last day before my birthday, and although it shouldn't bother me any more, i still don't like birthdays. Each one seems like a stepping stone and one closer to a destination that I am not ready to reach.

Needless to say, today I am regretting yesterdays choices.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Every day is a blessing.

The destination is never as important as the journey; stop along the way and smell every beautiful flower to cross your path. Feel the wind on your face and realise how alive you are!

Mistakes are part of the learning process, no matter what our age. Stop making them and the journey will become boring, fruitless and without real purpose.

Life is for living to the full and grasping with both hands and hanging on to.

Enjoy your day and many, many happy returns!