Tuesday, 11 March 2008


Well what an odd week it has been. All the big teams have been knocked out of the FA Cup, we have had the worst storm of the year, so far, and I managed to tidy a part of my workspace. The latter was probably out of sheer boredom and i realise that my mind has not really been here over the last few days. I think sometimes it goes on holiday all by itself and I don't even notice that it has gone. Then all of a sudden it comes back and I am pleasantly surprised.

I was talking to a friend the other day about blogging, and how blogging serves a multitude of purposes. For a start, it gives a voice to people who do not normally have one, or do not choose to use the one they have in other theatres. It can be a catharsis, and that is probably because as we write, we know that there may just be someone interested enough to listen. It can also be a way of recording memories, dreams and aspirations, and as we dredge up those things in order to commit them to public inspection, we recall the mistakes as well as the triumphs of the past and by processing them, perhaps we give assistance to the healing process.

Dorothy Lessing has denigrated blogs rather unfairly in my opinion. She, i know is very ill, and she has left a huge legacy of written words that will outlive us all. To be able to leave behind masterpieces of any description, must be a dream shared by many, but achieved by so few. She has been lucky to have had the ability to reach millions of people through her writing. Most of us are grateful to reach just one. I have to disagree with her and wholeheartedly support those who wish to write, whatever they like, even if they are simple diary events. Everyone has a right to be heard and those who think that blogs are a waste of time do not have to read them.

I have found it hard to write anything at all over the last few days. Partly due to a shortage of time, but also due to a lack of things that I wanted to say. I hope that the blockage was a temporary one and that i can get back into some sort of rhythm again soon, especially as i made quite a hard decision about restarting.


Anonymous said...

I like reading your blog. There are 'boring' periods in our life of course...but what do you mean by 'boring'? Sometimes our mind and soul need a rest even if we like living in busy and eventful life...:)These periods are essential too:) XXX Lilly

Paul said...

I think i was referring to a period of time when i had nothing much to do. I don't really get bored but sometimes I lack the will or the initiative to do something worthwhile. i am least unhappy when i can be creative. Creativity is important to me and I feel rather lost when i can't use the little creative powers that i have.

Thanks do much for you kind remarks and continued support. :-)

Anonymous said...

We all use our creativity in different ways.
I myself like to use my hands to create, lacking your skill and command of the written word, but my photo journals (scrapbook pages, mainly with hidden journaling) bring me a great deal of pleasure. They are a way of capturing 'moments' in my life in words and pictures. Some only mean something to me but that's how I like it.
I guess it is my equivalent of the 'blog' but in a small way.
These are memories that I can leave behind to, hopefully, be treasured by another generation at least.
I too have 'blank' periods... but I go down to my shed at the bottom of the garden, shut the door, turn up the music and enter my 'creative' world.
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't!
