Today i visited my old friend Liz. We were neighbours until lifetime changes meant a move of house. I have kept in touch with her however because I like her a great deal and she is so interesting to talk to.
Liz was an Art Teacher and was born before World War 2, in times of strife and deprivation. She, like so many children at the time was taken away from home and sent to live with temporary parents to avoid the horrors of the blitz, and she always has interesting tales to tell. She has produced a wealth of work in her time and now lives alon in a big house full of fading treasures. The sad thing is that when she dies, it is likely that her work will be destroyed, and like her memories and experiences, they will vanish as if nothing was ever there.
I am photographing her work as well as i can in the poor light and hope to keep my own record, but I guess that when i go that will be the last.
I am posting some of her images today so that more can share in her work. She cannot even giver her stuff away as most of the paintings are too large for today's small houses. This is just a small tribute to a lovely lady that i am honoured to know.
1 comment:
I think she is very lucky to have a friend like you. And how wonderful it is that two artists met and are able to share their common creativity and interests.
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