Saturday, 21 June 2008

Black v black

Robert Mugabe claims that he was appointed by God and that only God will remove him from office!
Well now, this to me is like fuel to my fire. How many more atrocities will be carried out in the name of
this so called God!! I have not had a religious rant for a while but statements like this really do get my goat!

Mugabe has to be one of the most evil men on the planet. I know that is a sweeping statement, and there are plenty
more in that particular competition, and there will be plenty more coming along fuelled by material wealth and the
prospects of power. This man has almost single handedly demolished a country in order to provide for his own personal needs.

He removed the educated white farmers, who held the infrastructure together and who also employed half of the populace. They were a threat to his power base. Their land was confiscated and as a result the food production system is being run by headless chickens.

He has been defeated in a democratic process and his answer is to kill as many of those who oppose him as possible. He will not shift unless he is shifted.

Ok he may die in office, but the idea that a God will have the final word is laughable. If there was a God, then the situation would never have developed in the first place, unless she/he/it has a black sense of humour!

If only Zimbabwe has oil reserves! Then the CIA would have removed him years ago!

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