So Sarah Palin could become the Vice President of the USA. Now to some, that may seem like a pleasant prospect. She is after all an attractive and vivacious young woman who at least looks good in front of a camera, and along with John McCain promises big changes in American society (don't they all!).
I can handle the idea of Republicans being re-elected, after all the USA is fundamentally a conservative country and is driven along on its path to world domination by the interests of big business, and not much can change that. I have no problem with them electing a woman to a powerful position, let them have a taste of it! What concerns me is that she (allegedly) is a creationist!
Vice presidents, can do and have become presidents. America likes to shoot its presidents from time to time, and there is a possibility that should the Republicans come to power, that she could become president.
Creationists are blind followers of religious doctrine, they abandon all attempts at original thought, accepting the words of middle eastern philosophy that was written down almost two thousand years ago. This is the equivalent of reading Grimm, and accepting as absolute truth that there are fairies at the bottom of the garden!
Ok much of the central American Bible belt will back her up, but I find it really scary that people with such limited ability to grasp facts can find themselves in positions of power. I am sure that she sees America as the promised land and that Americans are the true soldiers of her god, and who knows where that might lead?
They say that we elect the government that we deserve. Electing creationists to powerful positions is a step backwards to wards the dark ages of ignorance and bigotry, and of course that is what Conservatism is about.
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