Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Frying pans and fires

I am back from my scrutination with very mixed feelings. It is always a bad moment when you enter a waiting room and see that it has a well used coffee machine, and yes there was a wait, though not as long as it might have been.

I think that I have been declared fit for the knife, at least i wasn't told any different, but the possible outcomes have been made very clear to me. It looks like I stand to lose a great deal and gain nothing. I may lose my sense of balance, my facial nerve function, as well as my sense of taste on that side too, but on the other hand if I don't get it done there is the almost certain possibility of a brain abcess sooner rather than later. So i signed the forms and feel really quite scared of the future. Damned if i do and damned if i don't.



Anonymous said...

Be positive! It is VERY important. Believe me: everything will turn out well for you.XOXO Lilly

Anonymous said...

Doctors have to tell you the worst so you can give 'informed consent'. But the odds of the worst happening are usually very low. I echo Lilly's comment. BE POSITIVE!
I will be thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

And so will will be more than ok, I promise xxxx

Paul said...

I will try - but you know me - glass half empty and all that :-) Thanks for your kind support :-)