Tuesday, 3 February 2009

When icicles hang by the wall

The birds in the garden have been confused over the last couple of days. Snow and hail have been the norm, and these phenomena must be outside of the experience and/or memory of most wild life. So one moment the food containers are visible and the next , buried beneath a soft cold wet carpet. The grass vanishes and then reappears, and everything is so cold. However they seem to get by and adapt very quickly, thy learn to dig into the snow and find the food they need and even use the snow as a welcome supply of water.

We on the other hand, don't seem to cope well at all. The trains don't seem to run and neither do the buses. Even the ferries seem to have had issues, and I'd love to know way an inch or so of snow can bring them to a halt. Many people cannot get to work and as a result the economy takes yet another kick while it is down. Schools and colleges have closed for various reasons and of course that has brought the usual volley of complaints.

Schools do not close for no reason at all, and the final decision is taken by the head teacher, who, if he/she thinks that it is not in the interest of safety to keep the place open, must decide to close. Quite often the schools remain open to staff who are expected to get there somehow. I understand that some parents will be stuck for childcare if the schools are not open for trade, but can we please remember that schools are not childminding services, even if many parents do see them that way.

I would imagine that those who are moaning loudest would be the same people to criticise and condemn the schools if their precious little sprogs were to get hurt or worse as a result of the schools staying open. We have become a blame culture and there are some who will moan and complain about anything.

As I write this, the snow is melting and it is likely that come tomorrow the last bits will have gone and the birds will have forgotten what happened today. Their lives will go on, and so will ours.

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