Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Money saving ideas

I read this morning that the latest government plan is to cut teacher training down to six months. My first reaction was one of disbelief and that turned into disgust - just another way of saving money thought I with an air of cynicism. (Yes i know it is hard to believe isn't it?) However I have given the matter some thought, while cleaning floors, and i have to say that they may have a good idea here. When i trained it was a three year course, but if i think about it, the amount of actual work that got done could have easily be crammed into a six month slot. I am assuming that the people they are talking about will already have degrees and probably work experience in a variety of fields, so some sessions on classroom management and riot control, coupled with the reading on child psychology, ( and these days probably child psychiatry too) when coupled with a couple of teaching practice sessions should be adequate preparation for the battlefield.
Maybe the idea can be further extended to most degree courses. Many students actually spend very little time in contact with tutors. Lots of courses could be crammed into a six month slot and that would vastly accelerate the turnout of graduates. If the courses are more demanding, then dumbing down might be necessary but as the bulk of the population are stupid anyway it won't matter much. Medical training is very long and expensive. Maybe it needs to be broken up into manageable chunks. There could be six month courses in appendectomies, or tonsilectomies, options in limb setting and so on. That way most of the straightforward procedures could be managed by teams of craftsmen trained in just one task. This would provide a huge army of trained medics each with very specific roles and boy would they be cheap.
Virtually all professions could be reduced in this way and at a stroke the number of people employed would increase enormously.
No-one would be excluded from any profession, and many have skills already that could be transferred, and with such short courses one could mix and match. A vasectomy specialist could also do a basic plumbing module or even become qualified as a TV presenter. The mind boggles as to the possible career paths that would become available.

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