Friday, 8 May 2009

The best of all possible worlds

We often hear the expression “In a perfect world”, and I was wondering what that might be. Of course what is perfect for me might well be a nightmare for someone else and vice versa. Many writers have envisioned worlds where there is a sort of perfection and that always turns out to have major catastrophic flaws that lead to the demise of the inhabitants. Some people imagine that there is a heaven, another life after this one, where everything is perfect and even that has a multitude of interpretations. Perhaps we are all looking for something that cannot possibly exist on the basis that the unattainable is always far more attractive that what we can reach or even aspire to.
For me, there is no such thing as perfection, and it s not something that I aspire towards. Everything has it’s flaws and failings and every place has its drawbacks. I think that this is what is known as cynicism and seems to come to some of us with age. It’s odd how I used to imagine that happiness was a possibility, but as happiness is an absence of unhappiness, and maybe too an absence of suffering and pain, accompanied by unrealistic sense of optimism for the future, it would seem that too is an unattainable state. I am not unhappy. I live in the present these days, and each day I take as it comes. The world will never be perfect in the eyes of everyone, but there are parts of it, and maybe even situations where it comes close. May you find your own place in whatever world you want it to be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How boring and pointless would life be if happiness was an automatic right...
Boredom is worse than the ups and downs of our daily emotional lives.
And what would we be striving for if everything was always exactly as we thought we wanted it to be?