Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Pet hates

I like to think that I am quite a tolerant person, though perhaps I am seeing myself through rose tinted specs. I know that I lose patience more easily than I once did, especially with the foibles of other people. It struck me this morning while taking a reading break in the bathroom, that life is rather like a toilet roll, in that the closer you get to the end, the faster it seems to go, and with that knowledge one doesn't want to waste that time on things that get under your skin.

Cellophane wrapping is one of those things and I seem to have no talent at all for opening items that are coccooned in this nasty and ubiquitous material. Each time i buy a DVD or a CD I have a real struggle to open the damned things and I am well aware that there are still discs on my shelves that are not worth the effort of opening.

For weeks now I have been doing a daily battle with the dishwasher tablets that all come neatly wrapped in their own little transparent cases. Each day I unload the thing putting all the mugs the right way round on their hooks and all the plates and cutlery in the right places. I then reload it and once that is done, spend the next ten minutes trying to break open the seal and remove the tablet before angrily slamming the door and switching it on.

O I know that I am not the smartest person on Earth, but yesterday I had a "What if" moment. It struck me that i have wasted days of my life doing this and it seemed that I might be doing something wrong. No, I didn't read the packet, but I did run a skin from a tablet under the tap, and yes it dissolved. Ever felt stupid??

I think that there is a market for a cellophane like material that will degrade when looked at. It would save so much time, fingernails, tooth enamel and outbreaks of domestic rage.

As it stands I am enormously grateful that most things in life, especially those that are important, do not come in cellophane packing, especially toilet rolls.

PS- that should prompts some fresh ads! Do keep clicking.
PPS- Thankyou for commenting - feedback always worth having even if it is stuff I don't need to hear!


Anonymous said...

You don't have to unwrap the little dishwasher tablets, it dissolves! ha ha ha you make me laugh xxx

Paul said...

Glad to bring a little sunshine into someone's life.

Anonymous said...

Just been on an 'add clicking' frenzy...

Paul said...

Strange they don't show up yet!! Must be a lag! Thankyou anyhow :-) Whoever you may be.

4P said...

been doing my click clicking too...
my personal grievance are cat food tins with the tabtops that dont open properly.....hehehe

Paul said...

I think that catfood should be made from cats!