The conservatory is done! Well having said that, the bricklayers are back to move the step that was put in the wrong place, but that is a long story. It is a big improvement on what was there before and that is just as well considering the cost of it all, but of course it doesn't end there does it! Now there is the lighting, the furniture and woe of all woes, the blinds. The first estimate for these was a special offer price of two thousand pounds. Now excuse me for appearing to be more of a cheapskate than usual, but that seems hellishly expensive for bits of string and fabric.
The company that has produced this structure does make a good product and the finished work is very good. It is solid and, steps aside, the attention to detail has been excellent. What they lacked throughout the many weeks that this has taken, has been an ability to communicate, both with customers and their workforce. From both those points of view,it has been difficult to say the least. Very little seems to be committed to paper and workmen would often appear not knowing what they were supposed to be doing. One saving grace however is that no money has changed hands yet and that will not happen until the job is satisfactorily completed.
Very nice! Is this a room you can use all year round in any weather?
It will be when we have the blinds! Oh and a heater
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