Thursday, 3 February 2011

Another rant

Within any culture, there are ways that people go about their lives and many behaviours are specific to particular groups and have developed for logical and sound reasons. Cultures have evolved along with the multitudes of discrete populations, and are fundamentally the reason why we have boundaries and borders. Quite rightly, nations are proud of their cultural heritages and will strive to protect their ways of life.
Time passes however and the world has changed. Borders are largely more permeable and the flow of people from one country to the next is diluting populations and aspects of individual cultures are absorbed and blended, or should be. There are however areas of total inflexibility where countries are dominated, not by a naturally evolved way of life, but by ideas thrust upon them by zealots, fearful of having freedom of thought and speech, just in case their facile and ludicrous edifice should be torn down in a deluge of logic.
In Pakistan, a teenage boy has been jailed for something that he wrote in an examination paper. He is being held under blasphemy laws that have no moral or logical basis. They are so corrupt that anyone can accuse another without having to provide evidence, and once accused there is no defence. I have heard this defended on cultural grounds. We have a huge immigrant population that is growing disproportionately and though I applaud a multicultural society, it would seem that a significant portion of these people do not wish to integrate into our culture but simply to propagate their own, and many would like to introduce their own laws. There will come a time when they are a majority group and such laws as those in pakistan could find themselves dribbling into out statute books. Within any country dominated by one religion there is no scope for tolerance nor is there any flexibility. There is just one set of rules and that was written a long time ago in a part of the world that has remained unaltered in many ways since medieval times.
We need to prevent the continuation of ghettos and do more to integrate all of these groups into OUR culture before it is too late.

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