Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Here we go again

Life seems to revolve around builders, plumbers and electricians. As I write, a lean to roof off the kitchen is being replaced. Between buying and moving in a large hole appeared in the aforementioned roof and it can only be a matter of time before it rains.

It has been a difficult period for our beloved government. It would seem that everything that they turn their hands to is falling apart, and each gaffe is quickly followed by a new one that eclipses those that have gone before. To say I told you so would be smug and so I won't. Desperation now seems the order of the day, and now Mr Cameron is aligning himself, just like a US President, with so called Christian values. In a week when a lunatic has won a landslide election victory thanks to the support of a Muslim majority population, it would seem to be rather silly to appear to be backing a minority group or claiming that Christian philosophy is what is missing from the big society. The so called big society is a myth that has no place within Tory policy or thinking and to hijack the foundering Church of England in order to save their skins is a real sign of weakness.

As a nation we are supposed to be proud of our freedoms. Human rights and freedoms are also a myth. We are free to do what? We are free only to do as we are told by those in power and free to do what we can afford. Those freedoms are progressively curtailed as the favoured few feather their nests at the expense of the rest of us and even the so called freedom to speak one's mind is a luxury that few can afford to exercise. If I criticise a women's group or even an individual bearer of two X chromosomes, I am branded as sexist. If I dared to speak to a child I could be branded as a paedophile and should I have the temerity to express an opinion about Islam, I am branded as racist. Strangely I can criticise any other religion with impugnity but none of us dare to condemn the fastest growing religion/political system in the world. Any politician dealing with Islamic groups must do so as if walking on eggshells and as a result they get away with murder - quite literally in so many cases. I am no racist and though I love children, I am no paedophile either, but I do object strongly to any political philosophy that oppresses its subjects and removes their right to think for themselves. The tories haven't got there yet but it can only be a matter of time before we have a mosque in Downing Street.

Mr Cameron is trying hard to patch his roof, to shore up his walls and to restore the edifice of government to something worthy of respect. Soon it has to rain and I suspect that his builders are cowboys. I hope that mine are more reliable and less corrupt.

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