Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Lies, damned lies and ..............

It is an alarming statistic based on current trends and demographics, that by the year 2025, One third of the world population will be Muslim. It is said that the goal of Islam is world domination and the overthrow of the west and the evils of democracy and it would appear that the battle is being won. Simply by breeding rapidly and crushing anyone who disagrees, the toxic dogma and its fanatical purveyors are biding their time and awaiting the inevitable outcome. Sharia Law for the world and a return to the dark ages.
It is easy to see how and why religious wars begin and why some groups have been and are persecuted.   I would do more or less anything to resist being absorbed into an Islamic world.  Unlike other religions, Islam has no tolerance for the unbelievers. Their book is filled with hatred and violence towards those who choose to think for themselves and should any muslim dare to leave the "faith" there is only death and disgrace. It is a club, into which infants are admitted, indoctrinated and then imprisoned for the rest of their lives, much like other mainstream religions.
People who fear the overwhelming growth of what is a fundamentalist religion, are branded Islamophobes and racists.  It has nothing whatsoever to do with race; it is about a middle eastern, mediaeval doctrine that has no relevance to those who believe in freedom and democracy. Most people don't seem to care; maybe because we are apathetic and only concerned about our own little worlds and have forgotten about the monsters under the bed.  Islam is a monster and it thrives on fear and ignorance. It is growing rapidly and perhaps it is too late to stop it.

1 comment:

2catsP said...

i agree (nods wisely)