Tuesday, 18 December 2012

They walk among us.

I like to think that I am calm and even tempered. Very few things get me worked up these days, one of the functions of advancing years perhaps.  However, the other day, I found myself in an online debate with two fundamental creationists.  I know now the meaning of red rags and bulls.  Someone once said that if you could reason with a religious mind, then there would be no religious minds.  I found out for myself that it is so true.

My own position is that of an atheist, having rejected the very idea of a deity many many years ago. My    limited scientific education led me to a very different understanding of the world and our position in it. The scientific process relies on questions, hypotheses, experiment and evaluation of evidence. Usually experiments provide part answers and open up new questions. It is about open mindedness and an ability to adjust belief on the basis of fresh evidence.

The discussion, went on for much longer than it should have and the only argument that the creationists could offer  revolved around a complete misunderstanding of the process of evolution. As in their eyes, evolution does not provide all of the answers, the process is rejected and in its absence there is a need for a creator.  One of them even quoted the laws of thermodynamics, the second  of which states that matter cannot be created or destroyed, whilst stating that everything must have been created by god. She could not see the irony in that.

My repeated challenges to their viewpoint resulted in personal attacks on me, which I do not mind, but then to be accused of being aggressive, simply for restating unanswered questions was a step too far. Entering any sort of discussion with people who distort the truth to suit their ends is futile. These people live in a different world to me and have minds that are so blinkered by doctrine that they have lost the ability to debate effectively. I will try hard to steer clear in the future.

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