Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Well that passed the time.

It is mid May; I have just been mowing the grass and have come back inside frozen.  There is a bitter wind blowing and the sky is the colour of Welsh slate.  The garden is more or less under control for now, and is looking as neat as a saturday morning haircut. Everything is growing, especially the grass, and so it is a daily chore to maintain that pristine enough state.

For now though I am back at my desk and pondering over what to write about. I have decided that writing is not really my thing. I have attempted all sorts of things, short stories, essays, letters, blogs and even dreamt of writing a novel, but none of these ever really come to much. I lack the self discipline for a start and then there is the need for ideas.  Some people have fertile imaginations and can generate stories at the drop of a hat. Some of these become politicians whilst others do actually become writers and provide us all with entertainment.

Would be writers are advised to read a lot.  Not just to research but to broaden their experience of the written word and to experience the styles of different writers. It is also advised that one should maintain a notebook in which to record the little gems of ideas as and when they arise.  I do read every day, but mainly in bed. If I read during the day I have a tendency to drop off to sleep and so I tend to avoid that. I have tried keeping a notebook but it doesn't work for me; I either forget where it is or can't be bothered to look back over the pages and so it really is not at all useful for me. I just don't have the wherewithal.

A writer that I admire enormously is Terry Pratchett. He is about my age and has accomplished so much. He has written a plethora of novels which are read by millions of people all over the world. Although suffering from a form of Alzheimer's Disease, he is still working and at the same time campaigning for research into his condition.

Many of his books are set in a world of his own making; a sort of parallel one to our own, populated by  characters  inspired by people that we would all recognise in real life. Everything is Disc world is based on our own world; Pratchett simply turns things on their head and makes them funny whilst simultaneously making serious points.  His novels are unpretentious, absorbing and great fun.

There are so many good writers alive today and as time goes by, the mountain of books that are available to read gets higher and higher. I have not yet managed to read all the Mr Pratchett has written, and I know that there must be countless other writers whose work I would enjoy had I the time to find them and read them.

I guess that the successful writers have one thing at least in common, they are or were dedicated to their art and shared a willingness to sacrifice much in order to achieve their goals. I have always been a jack of all trades and never really mastered anything at all. I can turn my hand to a lot of things but I really don't do anything well.  My life I guess has been about compromise.

Well the sun has still not come out and the wind is still howling so my good intention of working in the garden will come to nothing. It will soon be time to pick up Oscar from School and then there will be tonight's meal to prepare and cook. There is housework to do and I suppose I could sort out the garage again.  I'd do some drawing or painting but  I am no good at it and that leaves me frustrated and angry, so maybe I'll just let the day pass as it always does.

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