Wednesday, 11 June 2014

British Values

We have been hearing much this week about British Values. I have no idea what they are and I suspect that the majority of the population are in a similar position.  Our  personal values probably vary considerably and yet we probably share a large proportion, but does that make them British? Being nice to people, caring for others, helping those less fortunate than ourselves, giving to charity, being polite and understanding and trying hard to tolerate those around us seem pretty universal to me.

The likes of Michael Gove would love to thrust his own set of values onto all of us and given enough rope he will hang all of our children out to dry, whilst enforcing his own right wing, so called "Christian" idealism into the National Curriculum.

I loathe all religions equally, but having said that, some of the ideas handed down have helped some to build their moralities and provided a framework for living.  Others of course have used the same sources to build an alternative morality based upon hatred and intolerance of others.

Ridding our schools of religious influence might well be a step forwards; a step towards a less divisive society. In schools unfettered by religious dogma, our children might learn their own way throughout the muddle of growing up and develop their own value system, rather than having one thrust upon them by the zealots who run some of these establishments. Enforced beliefs and values are in the long term meaningless, though if children are forbidden from thinking or communicating with those who are free to do so, then they are condemned to a life of slavery of the mind.

It is not right to force our own values and prejudices onto our children, and it is the role of an education system to prepare young people to find a place in the world and to  furnish them with an ability to make reasoned decisions based on information that is freely available; only then will be begin to forge a society that is coherent and free.  Michael Gove and his cronies would probably disagree.

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