Friday, 20 November 2015

Fools and their money

Groupon has an offer this morning, selling two acre patches of Lunar land for ten pounds.  For this sum, you also receive a certificate that purports to prove your ownership.  No doubt there will be some eager to purchase such a thing and I am sure that many will receive these certificates as christmas gifts. It would seem that the purveyors of snake oil have resorted to online sales.

Plastic crap seems to drive what is left of the economy. Everywhere you look there is ready made garbage that appeals to children and is bought by the tonne by adults at their wits end trying to appease the voracity of appetites for Peppa pig, Ninjago or whatever happens to be in fashion right now.   Within weeks the garbage that is being purchased now  will have lost any sort of attraction and will  be consigned to the black bins along with the superfluous wrappings.

Much of what we buy has redundancy built in.  So we no longer maintain or repair, we just replace things because that is the cheapest option and of course the skills needed to repair things are slowly dying out as are venues where repairs can be done.  I cannot remember the last time that I had shoes repaired for example. Maybe modern materials are better, but my shoes seem to last forever and if they should wear out they will just be replaced.

Everyone wants your money. Never a day goes by without some charity or other sending out pleas for cash, online scams are there in abundance and comment are bleeding the bank accounts of the unwary and unprepared. Of course if you have any left then the tax man wants to take his share too.

I remember a friend who got involved in a pyramid scheme and tried to convince me to participate.  I think it was a company that sold cleaning products. Each salesperson was supposed to recruit eight others, each of which made some payment to the recruiter and so on.  What he hadn't realised was the exponential nature of the scheme and how quickly the population of the world would become Amway salespersons if it continued.  He eventually conceded that it was a stupid idea, unfortunately he had paid in his dues.

So should I buy up a chunk of lunar land in the hope that prices will rise?  I don't think so.

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