Now before I get controversial, let me just say that I love women. Not all women of course but the group as a whole. I have total respect for those that I know and see most as equals, some as superiors and none as inferiors. I also believe firmly that women should enjoy the same rights and freedoms as men, including equal pay etc etc.
Ok got that out of the way, and if you start to get angry just let me refer you back to the first paragraph.
What I wanted to say goes along the lines of - do women make good leaders? My own view is that they on the whole do not. I know that is is just an opinion but I can only name it upon my own experiences and what has happened in my lifetime. Some people believe that Margaret Thatcher was a good leader. They are entitled to that belief of course but she presided over a government that divided the nation like no leader ever had before. It was also a deliberate act, divide and rule seemed her mantra. She promoted hatred that still endures in many parts of the country and never before have I seen a death celebrated in the way that hers was.
Our current leader seems little better. I do not envy her job but she seems to ebb and flow like the tide, pushed this way and that buy her own party and again continuing the divisive processes of her previous heroine. Perhaps she is incapable of standing up against those that really wield the power, and maybe like Thatcher she will eventually be stabbed in the back by her supporters.
I worked under five head teachers in my career, and the only one who managed to divide the staff was a woman. I won't name her, obviously, but she seemed to feel the need to wield power and make people tow whatever line she threw them. She was not a good negotiator and insisted always on having things done her way. She probably was the cause of a number of nervous breakdowns among staff, people that she did not like were victimised and fell by the wayside. She eventually fell herself and was not missed by many.
Ok I am sure that there have been good women leaders. I can think of none off the top of my head apart from Helen Clark in New Zealand, though I am sure that is the fault of my limited education and some people out there will come up with good examples. Marine Le Penn could be the next leader of France - personally I hope not.
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