Thursday, 16 November 2017

Is anything right?

The only good thing I can think about religion, is that in the early days of civilisation, it helped to bind people together. Gods have always been used to explain what we cannot understand, and for some that has not changed.

As a society we are going through a very bad patch. Instead of groups adhering, the opposite seems to be taking place.  Our civilisation has been under stress for quite a while, but now it seems to be cracking and is likely to fall apart.  Laws and social conventions are being questioned and disregarded and at the same time, gender boundaries seem to be vanishing.

The whims of infants are being read by some adults as expressions of identity, especially when it comes to gender. No-one seems to be concerned about invisible friends, or the childhood creativity of play but are driven by an apparent need to be something that they are not, long before they can even comprehend the meaning of gender.  The thought of a gender neutral society is quite terrifying. We ignore biology at our peril.

Fragmentation is a step on the way to chaos and anarchy and it is easy to imagine a future of tribalism, rebellion and a plunge into the abyss.

As individuals we are pretty useless. Consider anything at all that exists as an object. However simple it may be, you or I are incapable of making it. A matchstick, a paperclip, a sheet of paper are all beyond our capabilities as individuals. In order to produce anything at all, a team effort is required, and to progress, we need the brightest and the best to create and to solve the huge problems that we face; yet in the west, it seems that to be smart is not to be cool, so the pressures on young folk come from the lower common denominators through social media and popular culture as well as their direct peers.

Religions, other than Islam are on the wane, creating a vacuum that sooner rather than later will be filled, and so fanatics with their own dogmatic views may well step into the breach.

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