I have a hearing difficulty, being totally deaf in one ear, is a real handicap. Not only is my hearing reduced but also I have no idea where sounds are coming from. The ability to hear one voice among many has become impossible and this has consequences in social gatherings. This change in my body has had profound effects on my life. It has also underlined another change that seems to have become an acceptable norm. In the media, TV or radio, there seems to be a tendency now, whenever there are groups of people, everyone wants their say and so therefore everyone seems to talk at the same time. The civilised interview is a thing of the past. Like me, everyone has an opinion on everything, and wishes to express that opinion. To do so while others are expressing theirs, leads to a cacophony of noise.
It feels like the world is on the threshold of something. This year should be interesting, and hopefully not in the sense of the old Chinese curse. The political far right seems to be on the rise and is spreading like an infectious disease and is dragging along with it, those unable to think for themselves. 2017 saw the rise of UKIP, albeit temporarily, and Trump, both riding on the back of racism and self preservation. The world is changing and changing fast.
Change is an inevitability, it is a function of time and it cannot be halted. Even in the Arabic world, not noted for progress, there are fundamental changes afoot.
Change is neither good or bad, it just is, and one change may suit some but not others. I am getting older and for those of us who are slowing down, change can be uncomfortable. We have no power to oppose it and so we must go along with it.
In a world that is clearly in trouble, we should be coming together to address some of the pressing problems. Instead we are becoming increasingly divided. Every nation seems to want to shut their doors and peep through lace curtains at what is going on elsewhere. Each nation wants to impose their own views and culture on everyone else, and like the voices in a crowded room, no-one is hearing anyone else.
Anyway this is the 2nd day of 2018 and my resolve to write has been maintained. I hope that 2018 is good for everyone, but I suspect that at the end of it, we will be even more divided.
It feels like the world is on the threshold of something. This year should be interesting, and hopefully not in the sense of the old Chinese curse. The political far right seems to be on the rise and is spreading like an infectious disease and is dragging along with it, those unable to think for themselves. 2017 saw the rise of UKIP, albeit temporarily, and Trump, both riding on the back of racism and self preservation. The world is changing and changing fast.
Change is an inevitability, it is a function of time and it cannot be halted. Even in the Arabic world, not noted for progress, there are fundamental changes afoot.
Change is neither good or bad, it just is, and one change may suit some but not others. I am getting older and for those of us who are slowing down, change can be uncomfortable. We have no power to oppose it and so we must go along with it.
In a world that is clearly in trouble, we should be coming together to address some of the pressing problems. Instead we are becoming increasingly divided. Every nation seems to want to shut their doors and peep through lace curtains at what is going on elsewhere. Each nation wants to impose their own views and culture on everyone else, and like the voices in a crowded room, no-one is hearing anyone else.
Anyway this is the 2nd day of 2018 and my resolve to write has been maintained. I hope that 2018 is good for everyone, but I suspect that at the end of it, we will be even more divided.
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