Wednesday, 17 July 2019


Have you noticed, that cars are getting bigger as years go by.  Even the Mini and the Fiat 500 have increased in size and engine capacity. A possible reason is that people have increased in size and that many need a pretty large vehicle to get into.

Hospitals struggle with beds, wheelchairs and operating tables, and I am sure that many dentists have difficulties accommodating  larger patients in their chairs.

The stigma of being fat is diminishing as more and more people, choose to allow themselves to become outsize. Some say that it is not a choice and that it is a hormonal thing or that it is genetic, or because of any other possible causes.  The real reason though, despite possible help from those factors, is that people eat too much. Food that is surplus to the needs of the body is converted into fat and stored in huge reserves all over the body.  Many people seem obsessed with eating, and are rarely seen without a supply of junk food to keep them going.  It is sad that junk, high calorie food, is cheaper than healthy alternatives, but there it is.

We are getting fatter, of that there is no doubt. There is a much greater risk of having to sit next to an obese person in all sorts of situations; how often do we wait in an airport boarding lounge, hoping and praying that the real fatty will not be sitting next to us, overflowing into our own personal space?

Perhaps the increase in obesity is a good thing. For one thing, obese people do not live as long as they might, thus relieving some of the pressure on populations. Another thing is that the fatter a person is, the more carbon they store, thereby reducing the greenhouse effect. Maybe in years to come, fat bodies will be preserved post mortem and utilised as an energy source; crematoria are already having to adapt to accommodate the larger person.

It is all about choice of course. Lifestyles have changed a great deal in my lifetime as have attitudes towards body shapes and sizes. It is a shame though to see primary kids already obese or on their way to becoming so. Not being taught about the health issues associated with obesity is a form of child abuse.

I carry a lot more flesh than I once did. I make no excuse, I eat more than I should and probably consume too much alcohol. I also do not exercise enough, though for that I have some excuses. I will make a promise though, that is not to wear very tight clothes and especially skin tight black leggings.

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