Sunday, 18 August 2019

Not listening

I hear that Amazon is producing a male version of Alexa and calling it Alex.  It is fundamentally the same as Alexa but doesn't listen.

Women are always complaining that men don't listen. It is true, we don't and the reason is simple; we are conditioned not to.

If you work in a noisy environment, you learn very quickly to ignore the noise, filtering it out as it were. Even if the radio is on in the background, unless there is something really gripping, it gets easy to ignore.

Most women love talking. It is fascinating when a bunch of women get together. They talk and when they are not talking they are rehearsing what they are going to say next rather than listening. Gaps in the conversation can be measured in nanoseconds, dead air has to be filled.  They can say the same things over and over again but no-one cares, it is called social intercourse. Phone calls can last hours with neither party getting bored, it is a mystery what they talk about.

Most men talk for a different reason. They talk to convey information, social chit chat may be an expectation but it is not a natural pastime.  Most men are quite happy with silence. Idle chatter tends to distract from thinking, and when that chatter is continuous and repetitive or irrelevant, it becomes a background noise and is filtered out. A phone call often lasts minutes at most, and once the information has been passed on it ends.

Do not expect a man to pick up on instructions or requests if they come bundled in a long diatribe. He won't be listening.


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