There are days when I have no clue as to what to write, and there are days like today when I have so many thoughts tumbling around in the vacuity of my mind that it's hard to decide which angle to take.
Today started well. Yesterday afternoon I ordered some new ink tanks for my printer, which of course is out of action as I ran out of black. This morning the postman got me out of bed to receive the aforementioned inks. Delighted by the speed of service, I opened the pack expecting to be able to catch up on the backlog of tasks awaiting print. Alas, I had ordered the wrong tanks - the numbers are so very much alike and the containers so very different. Now the reason I mention this is because I have made the same mistake before. This is a cause for concern as I rarely make the same mistake more than once. Now i have to send the package back and re-order. Such a hassle, but at least it is a mistake which is not important and one that can be made good.
Yesterday was pretty good too. I received an email from my young friend, the one with the amazing musical talent. She sent me a recording of another Leonard Cohen song - "If it be your will." I had sent her a cover recording by Jann Arden, so she decided to record her own version and it is delightful. She has a terrific voice as well as an ability to get inside a song and make it her own. If there are any readers out there, I do recommend her recordings on You tube. Just search for Hallelujah My Version, and you will find her at the top of the list.
It's raining again and blowing a gale. The Cowes week weather was excellent so I guess that was our summer. At least when it's like this, I don't feel guilty about staying in my office all day. At least here I can think and write down my thoughts, for what they are worth. That reminds me, I must get on with the story; maybe later today if the mood takes me.
On the gardening front, I have lost all my tomato plants due to a severe fungal attack, the chillis are abundant and thriving, and I am harvesting fresh figs, which though not abundant, are delicious. The french beans have been good and the experiment of growing lettuce in pots seems to have worked well.
That's enough for now-I will package the ink tanks and send them back. Would that other things were so simple.
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