Thursday, 23 August 2007


Results day has arrived, and you know what? I am nervous too. I shouldn't be, but when you have an interest in these things, you also feel a certain responsibility for the outcome. I feel sure that all three of them will do well, but I will feel better when I hear from them.

I am determined to write more today, I am spending a lot of time fiddling about with a website right now, and that, along with work for the club has been absorbing my time. Today I feel like being creative in a different way.

I am still exploring Second Life and find it fascinating. One of the frustrations originally was that on my old computer, everything ran slowly and jerkily, so interest waned rapidly. Since transferring to the newer machine, that problem seems resolved and now I pop in most days. I think that fundamentally it goes some way to filling a gap in my life, one that has been there for quite a while. I have met some lovely people there and one in particular who has awoken my creative urge that seemed to have withered and died. Now i feel it growing again and I want to make the most of my time, as you never know how much you have left. In Second Life, one can take on whatever persona you like, and there are those who become the avatars of their own inner fantasies, exploring the dark, bizaare and even perverted natures of their personalities. There are cruel and viscious people ther, as in real life, but on balance most people simply project their own persona onto what is effectively a real time, role playing game. I know that it is a game that can become very addictive and so I try not to log in too often, but the temptation is very real. Oddly I find it impossible to behave in any other way than I do in real life, and my Avatar, like me, wears just a tee shirt and a pair of jeans. Guess that I don't do role play very well.

Just had a call telling me that Lucy has 2 A* grades for her science, so I am thrilled for her. Not heard about Holly of Stephan yet but I feel that they too will have done well.

More later in the day.

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