Monday, 25 February 2008


I think that it is time for me to draw a line, and with it end this blog. I feel that it is no longer possible to express myself in writing without causing discomfort or unhappiness to others and for that reason, it would seem sensible to call a halt to my ramblings.

To write publicly like this is always a risk and although I have deliberately avoided certain things, a simple cascade of emotions and ideas can become a minefield if accessed by others.

I have enjoyed writing here and have managed to pour out quite a lot of my thoughts and my own personal history. I know that it is not particularly interesting, but for me it has been somewhat cathartic and has helped me through some difficult times. I feel that I am now on more solid ground and maybe I can throw away the crutches without falling over.

I have taken to writing and this platform has given me the opportunity to practice and find imagery that I have never really found before. I will miss it a great deal and have already started the long process of deletion. I am keeping for posterity and maybe vanity, some of the longer entries, and that is taking time. Each time I try to delete an entry though, for some reason my browser seems to crash, so that is a frustration that I can do without.

So, there seems little more to say - it has all been said before and the rest? Well I will have to find a new direction. To write, almost by definition requires a reader, and without readers, what is the point of writing?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's a shame you've decided to end your blog. I'm glad you feel that you can now move on. You do have readers - I'm one - I just don't leave comments. I've looked forward to your entries and feel I've got to know and sometimes understand you. Good luck.