Thursday, 21 February 2008


This is a first. I am typing this entry on a PC instead of my beloved Mac. The reason? My Mac does not have portability while this PC laptop has only that, and so i can sit here in front of the banality box and type away unhindered by feelings of guilt for my unsociability.

As a long standing Mac addict I do confess to an anti PC bias, and my experience this evening on Windows Vista has done nothing to redress a balance in my mind. I find the whole PC interface to be dull, uninspiring and very cumbersome. It takes ages to do anything, and insists on consulting something called a virus checker before it can be persuaded to run anything. I know that Microsoft rules the western world, and that could well explain why we are in a state of decline.

I am wondering what can be accomplished on a PC that cannot be done faster and more easily on the more reliable and intrinsically more accessible Apple environment.

Ok so Mac Users are a minority group, but that does not make us wrong. I suspect that some people, myself included, are drawn towards the unusual or maybe just repelled by the run of the mill. Yes Ok it is a perverseness on my part, but I have always rebelled against mainstream and swum against the tide, and maybe that is why I have never made a great success of anything. I have no desire or will to change, and evn though I may well be wrong about so many things, at least I am under an illusion that I have a mind of my own. There are few people that have been there, to most it is a closed book, and my blog is a way in which I can share a portion of what lies beneath. I know that I am ordinary and that is all that I can aspire to, however, I still have a voice and sometimes it gets heard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your voice is heard....loud, clear and with great enjoyment. A suggestion though: save your blogs to a safe folder or drive and print them off. Electronic thoughts and musings are all too easily lost. Virtuality does have its limitations, seductive and convenient as it is.