I have probably written something similar to this post before but what the heck! Who cares anyway. Statistics are wonderful, and in the hands of the politicians they are invaluable. They can manipulate them and use them to present whatever argument they like and the gullible and oh so stupid public, will believe what they are told. Given that 20% of road traffic accidents are caused by drink driving, it stands to statistical reason that 80% are caused by sober people. Therefore it can be argued that drinking and driving are the safest option.
The reason i write this is because of the antics of arguably the world's most dangerous man, who this week proclaimed that the use of condoms was counterproductive in the fight against AIDS. What Herr Pope cited, were figures based on small samples in one African country, and his researchers must have really looked hard to find any sort of evidence to back his argument. For some long lost theoligical and doctrinal reason, the Catholic heirarchy wants people to breed like flies and fill the world with hungry mouths, probably to increase their numbers and swell their own coffers. The vatican depends on vast numbers of ignorant people who donate part of whatever they earn to maintain the immense wealth and power that Rome commands. It is a disgrace that someone with such influence can say such stupid and irresponsible things and be allowed to get away with it. Ok since yesterday the statement has been retracted, but perhaps too late.
1 comment:
i love the thought that drunken driving is so safe.... perhaps we could use you as a panelist on any forthcoming statistics rodeo?
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