I heard the other day that the Oxford English Dictionary is to remove the word "gullible".
No I didn't believe it either.
I have never been very good at practical jokes though I know there are plenty of people out there who love spending hours plotting and planning devious schemes in order to embarrass or belittle others. Ok it is a tradition, and its roots are probably lost in history, but in these modern times when most of what is thrown at us is a lie, it seems pretty pointless to add more fuel to a fire that already burns so brightly.
Every day we hear about corrupt politicians, who through greed or powerlust, lie to their peers and the public in the sure knowledge that one day they will be found out and pay the price. By then of course their nests will be well feathered and they can vanish into a safe obscurity.
The media bombard us with half truths and exaggerations, presenting views of events in ways that manipulate public opinion, to suit the fat financiers that run the press.
Advertisers build smokescreens and persuade the gullible to buy their products with outrageous claims that must be pretty close to becoming downright untruths.
Political parties manipulate statistics, inflate figures and facts in order to gain public support, and so it goes on.
The greatest and most influential of lies come from the perpetrators of the various religions and as so many people seem happy to believe the nonsense that they are told, they survive and grow.
It is no wonder that people fall for the April fool's joke. We are indoctrinated into believing what people tell us and it is so much easier to do so without question.
I am not saying that I cannot be fooled. I am sure that we all can. It is impossible to go around without believing some people and in the end we have to accept that some do tell the truth.
I have no plans to go out today and so therefore like most days, this one will pass me by.