Friday, 10 April 2009

Happy Easter

LIke most festivals, Easter means different things to different people. To most, I would guess that it means a few days off and nothing more, to some it means pigging out on chocolate, to florists it means a boost in sales, and to the faithful followers of an ancient middle eastern story, it is the pivotal point of their year. Some take it very seriously, attending church services day and night, and there are some who love nothing more than to re-enact the barbarous events of a crucifixion, a standard Roman punishment in days gone by. Ok I understand little about religious faith and have never studied the literature, but I really do wonder what drives these people forwards. Faith is an amazing human phenomenon, and we all put our faith in things from time to time. Whenever i fly, I put my faith in the technology and the pilot, who I am sure doesn't want to die either. I plant seeds and have faith that some of them at least will grow, but these "faiths" are based on observations, evidence and statistics. I have a faith in scientific methods, as science is a search for the answers to questions, those answers coming from evidence that can be verified over and over again.
I was reading an argument put forward by a fundamental christian the other day, who was ranting about the Myth of science and how scientists deliberately set out to confuse people by using a different language. He cited DNA as a popular scientific myth, and argued that if you put things in acid, they corrode or dissolve, therefore it could not be possible for our bodies to contain Deoxyribose nucleic acid. Now i can see where he was coming from, he probably attended a science lesson once and didn't really understand what was going on. Acids are nasty and dangerous - that is enough science for me! Religious faith is much simpler, it is written therefore it is right! Ok I realise that not all people with religious faith are that dumb, but a great many are, and are so easily led. They are not called a flock for nothing!
I hadn't intended a religious rant today, but it seems that world events steer me in that direction. It seems to me that there is so much about organised religion that is cheap and nasty and hyppocritical, and when the Pope travels to his various ports of call in a bulletproof car, what does that say about faith?

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