My mind, like my physical world is pretty disordered. I revel in clutter and find that trying to impose some organisation into my world just doesn’t work well. If I impose a system, then I quickly tire of it and entropy takes over once again.
I have a large collection of recorded music on CD, DVD, Cassette and Vinyl, and yes I still have the facility to play all of them. Recently I have been re-discovering the joys of Vinyl, with fluffy stylus, scratches, pops and clicks, all those things that once annoyed , now seem to have some sort of charm. Either that or my tendency to look backwards is being satisfied. None of my collection has any real order. I did once arrange everything alphabetically but that took me weeks and then I didn’t maintain it, so the natural disorder took over again. Then two moves within a year meant that the whole lot got remixed and I don’t have the urge to resort. Oh the vinyls are all together and I have them in two sections – Classical and other, but that is about it. The Cds are neatly shelved and the cassettes are in a big box under a bed somewhere and goodness knows what is in there.
I am the same with books and clothes and more or less anything, and it always seems that life is too short to worry about cataloguing things.
When I think about this, it all comes down to yet another personality disorder. I am fundamentally lazy, and nowadays I seem to have the concentration of a goldfish. I cannot settle to anything much for very long and most things that I do do not satisfy me. I always wanted to do something really well and have never managed to achieve that, and I suspect that has much to do with my failure to stick at anything for long enough. I am so easily discouraged and that too is a failing.
Recently I realised that I have insufficient bookshelves. This is one of the issues associated with downsizing. I gave hundreds of books away but still there are plenty more, some in boxes and others in piles elsewhere. I have however found a novel way of making space for them and that involves making shelves from books. One book is sacrificed and acts as an “invisible” shelf. (See photo) I now have 8 of these on my tiny office wall and plan to put up another six or so. There is still no order to anything but at least it gets them out of the way and I think they look rather good.
If anyone wants to know how to do this - let me know :-)
PS - Allegedly I will get paid if people click on the ad links here so feel free to click away to your heart's content :-)
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