Wednesday, 15 August 2012


It has not been a good month. First pneumonia, then a bad back and now a rotten cold. I know I shouldn't complain but if I can't moan to myself then who else can I moan to?
It seems that moaning is the thing to do anyhow; people seem to moan and complain about everything and are always wanting to blame someone for whatever happens in their own little world. Social media sites are infested with moaners, and I know that I don't HAVE to use Facebook and Twitter, but each has a strange compulsion.  Facebook is a way of keeping up to date with distant friends and family, but I find it fascinating what people air in public.  Much of what is posted is inane drivel that can be of no interest to anyone but the person who wrote it. I am not interested in people's dogs and their ailments or who has a hangover this morning and why?  People post so many so called motivational messages, and incredibly bad photographs. How hard is it to delete shots that are out of focus, and why post 500 pics of your day trip to Bognor?  People seem to befriend and "unfriend" one another with amazing frequency, while others make a hobby of collecting as many contacts as possible.  It would seem that some people spend most of their waking moments generating posts and responding to those of others. Those accused of crimes are often villified on facebook, generally before they have been tried and convicted, and there is no doubt that many people's lives are blighted by poisonous facebook campaigns.
Anyhow, I do post the odd rant on facebook and usually get my share of complaints as a result, so generally I keep my rants to myself or for the edification of anyone who should read what I write here.
I suspect that now that the country has forgotten the olympics, there will soon be plenty for me to complain about.

1 comment:

2catsP said...

sorry to hear you have been so poorly..
but from the acerbity displayed, i gather you are getting much much MUCH better?