Friday, 22 September 2017


We have reached that point in the year where day length and night length are the same. It heralds the time of year that I like least. There is something about autumn that I find depressing. the falling leaves mean that the trees will soon be bare and skeletal. Fungi will appear in abundance, feeding on decay and recycling death.  Within a few weeks the clocks will go back an hour and the nights will be longer and the days shorter.  Temperatures will plummet and so the heating has to be turned on, and then there are the bleak days when it never really gets light. Spring is far away and we have winter to look forward to.

Apart from all of this we have to put up with the Americanised halloween fiasco and the highly commercialised Christmas, that simply serves to indoctrinate children to become consumers, and to encourage the greed and acquisitiveness that powers the capitalist system. thousand of tons of plastic crap is already here or on its way from China, and millions of pounds are on their way back.

Gone are the days of seasonality, We have access to the same foods all the year round and so there is no real benefit to the change in the year. Diets will remain equally unhealthy and supermarket profits will go up along with prices.

I heard someone talking about all the things that they were looking forward to. This include a range of reality TV shows, which I despise, and the aforementioned festivals of stupidity. I look forward to it all being over and we can begin the drudgery of winter. At least then we can look forward to spring again.

So those of you that love Autumn, or fall as the Americans like to call it, find in it what you can and enjoy it. Just remember that not everyone does.

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