Sunday, 24 September 2017


Most of us have never had an original thought and probably never will. Having said that, it is possible that we may have them all of the time, but because our minds are not prepared, we don't recognise them. This makes the distinction between ordinary people and this with genuine talent or the ability to make a difference.

Every time I think I have had an original idea, I find that someone beat me to it, thus negating the originality that I was hoping for. Maybe I am the wrong environment for such a thing. perhaps I need to be in a working environment along with colleagues with which ideas can be exchanged. In such situations at least people can tell you if you are barking up the wrong tree or simply talking complete rubbish.

I do like to see the sorts of changes that improve things for most of us, but deplore change for the sake of change. In the art world it must be very hard to come up with something new. I my lifetime we have had so many changes and ideas, some of them good, some less so.  I am probably talking rubbish, but it seems that the bottom of the barrel has been reached and now we are drilling through it.

Modern art seems to be graffiti, any surface can be victim to spray cans and random offerings, some of which are clever and attractive, and some like Banksy who produces images with political messages behind them. Unmade beds and diamond encrusted skulls leave me cold; it looks as if ideas have just run out.

Music seems to have hit a low. Not just pop music but what some call classical music. Tunes seem to be absent and atonal noise has taken the place of music.  There are some who think that this is a good idea, but then they would.

There is good pop music out there, but you have to look for it. The whole pop scene is based around the stuff that is promoted by TV reality programs and what will fit into the mould. There is no more anger or protest in the scene and that is sad.

Redneck America has bucked the trend of establishment  I guess, in their electing an orange megalomaniac as president. That is pretty original, and we see to be going along the same lines in allowing  a few lying sped politicians to persuade our equivalent of rednecks to force us out of the European Union. The world has, in recent times begun to divide.

An idea, though not original, is that we should focus on uniting, that might deter the likes of North Korea fro feeling isolated and threatened by the man with the orange face.

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