Tuesday, 13 November 2007

चरिटी बेगिंस अत होम

I have been asked to design some posters and flyers for the local community club who are asking the membership to dig deep into their pockets in order to raise money for some new windows. I will of course enjoy the challenge and produce something that will suit their needs.

It made me think about the fund raising that goes on all of the time now. It seems that there is never a day that is not devoted to some special case or another, and it is impossible to walk the streets without being collared for a donation to any charity that you can imagine. Has it always been like this? or are we suffering from a glut of open hands, applying a type of blackmail that eases money from many who can ill afford to part with it.

Many door to door collectors focus on the less well of as they know that they are more likely to get contributions from them. The National Lottery sells more tickets to those on benefits than to anyone else and I guess that is why, by and large that the poor stay poor and the rich don't!

I donate to charity and could probably afford to give more but i do find it wearisome when i get pleas through the post, over the telephone, people at the door, on the radio, on the TV, even for goodness sake in the pubs, where dubious people come around selling roses at inflated prices via a haze of emotional blackmail and alcoholic fuzz. When they have gone the Salvation Army come around with their Watchtower, hoping to prick the consciences of the merrymakers on a weekend night.

There must be more charity collectors than there are contributors, especially if you count the sellers of Big Issue and why is it, I'd like to know that they always have dogs and they all wear a neck scarf and they all look the same?

I know that most charities are functioning well and that they do a great job by and large but I just feel totally and utterly bombarded by the constant fire, to the extent that I hate to answer the phone or even the door - well it's my excuse anyway, So if you call and get no answer, I am working on the posters and can't hear you!

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