Wednesday, 21 November 2007


One of my worst fears was realised today.

Wednesday used to be a turning point in the week and thanks to one who was a friend, I think of it as hump day, even though my life has few humps these days, mostly I am freewheeling down the long hill. Anyway it started out ok, and believe it or not, the sun shone for a while and I could actually leave the house. So i took the opportunity to go and see my old friend Liz. I haven't seen her in a while, partly due to weather and partly idleness on my part. Anyway, she is fine, at least no worse than last time I saw her.

When i came home i decided to catch up on one or two things that needed to be done. One of which was taking out the vegetable waste to the compost bin. I opened the lid and my heart sank as i saw the leaves moving. I poked and prodded the pile - I really don't know why I do it - and of course the inevitable happened. A rat the size of a small horse, leapt out of the debris and disappeared between the bin and the house wall. Now if you have read my blog you will know that I hate and fear rats, more than anything else. I'd prefer it to be occupied by a lion, and so my mind replayed the last rat v me scenario. The rat won every round and I eventually gave up and moved house. Now i have to face the same problem over again. First I'll buy a trap and the little swine will learn how to get the bait off it or how to spring it without being caught. I'll get my fingers trapped again and then I'll resort to poison. That will be thoroughly ignored, or my rat will be one of the supersods that are resistant to it and so I'll be feeding it at great expense, while it gets fat and laughs at me.

I was quite pleased with my attempts at composting and now I feel a little differently about even opening the lid. Yet another of life's joys has deserted me.

ps i wonder if boiling water would do the trick? Or should I hire a cat?

1 comment:

the girl who writes this thing said...

When you get it we can disect it! Oooh or maybe not.. eurgh...*shudder*... Forget I said that... :-S