Monday, 12 November 2007


For some reason the web seems very slow today. We have become very impatient and expect everything to happen instantly and no longer are we prepared to wait for anything. It seems that we all want everything and we want it yesterday.

As a child, I was brought up to be very patient. Partly through having spent a long time in bed, but also because we had very little to anticipate, and almost no money. In those days if you wanted something you waited until you could afford to buy it. No-one was foolish enough to lend you money and mostly it was a case of living hand to mouth. Expectations were low.

I fished a lot, largely as an escape, and in all weathers, i would wander the riverbanks looking for the elusive or even non existant big fish. They rarely appeared but it didn't seem to matter much. Time went by and eventually I guess i grew up. Some may argue that I never did, but I don't really care what anyone thinks anymore.

I have bought yet another computer. Not because I needed one but because I rather fancied one and besides, I may not be around by the time the next upgrade comes along and so I just bought it. Partly because it is bigger and sexier than the old one, but also because it is faster and will help me to do very little but I will be able to do it so much faster. It is still a Mac and has a lovely 24 inch screen, so I can see much more of the hardly anything that I do. Planning for the time when eyesight fails one might say.

So it is fast and powerful and yet I still want it to be faster and bigger and more powerful still. I do not yearn for a fast car or much else really but that extra speed could save me whole nanoseconds every day and just think of the use that I could put them to. Whoever said that life was futile?

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