Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Bloody rain

The rain today is heavy and unyielding. I know that i needed some to fill up the empty water butts but I have had enough now, it can stop. Not only is it raining but I also feel cold! Cold in the first week of July??? Yet another wonderful British summer. This is all made to feel so much worse when i get messages from my daughter telling me how hot it is in Greece right now.

It has been suggested by some that peoples are the products of their climates, and that it is the dour and miserable weather that we get here that makes us what we are - dour and miserable i guess! And also as a nation, very hard working and industrious. I suppose that while it is raining like this, you might just as well be at work as on holiday.

I see that Iran has just tested a rocket with a range that would make Israel a potential target if ever they manage to complete their weapons programme. Now forgive me if i get things wrong here, but Iran is a Muslim state, yes? and we are told that Islam is a religion based on peace and understanding and tolerance of others? Now what would a religious state want with weapons capable of such mass destruction? I am clearly missing something here. The thought of nuclear capability in the hands of any religious group is surely a scary prospect but in the hands of Iranian fundamentalists who have openly declared that Israel should be erased from the map (peacefully, and in an understanding way of course as God is good!), is so scary, and today has come a step closer to being a reality.

Rain in Israel may soon contain a lot more than water, and if that happens then farewell Iran!

Maybe that is why the Muslims are all moving here, the weather dampens their enthusiasm for everything except making money.

Ok hands up those who I have offended today!!


Anonymous said...

Not offended, but certainly entertained!
Sunny and 32 degrees here...but thunderstorms are on their way.

Anonymous said...

Spare a thought for those of us who have to walk in the rain in order to get to work and back!
Just had to literally wring my clothes out in the bath!
As for lorry drivers on flooded roads???
Grrrrr.... I will just stop right there!