This has been the year of the live gig! Never before have i attended so many events in the course of such a short space of time, and i have to say that i could get used to it!
I just got back from a long weekend in France, and this may well have turned out to be the most expensive concert so far. The tickets were a reasonable price but added to that were, the ferry fares to the mainland and then the overnight boat to St Malo and then the drive to Quimper and the three overnight stays in questionable hotels. Taking meals and drinks and other incidentals into account, it was a very expensive gig indeed. However it was worth it.
The object of the expedition was Loreena McKennitt, who was the star feature of the Celtic festival taking place in Quimper. I have for several years been a fan of Loreena and her amazing band of players and to see her in the flesh, as it were, was too great a temptation. To make things more interesting, Holly and her father also attended - they flew in from Southampton, and Holly managed to get backstage passes in the hope of meeting the great lady. That however wasn't to be, but we did meet an equally lovely and talented Caroline Lavelle, the cellist in Loreena's band. She is a delightful person and generously offered Holly free cello lessons. I hope that she can take her up on that offer.
It was a wonderful evening and my illusions were never in danger of being shattered. Loreena enthralled a huge audience and received a well deserved standing ovation.
We were a little disappointed not to have met her, but on the other hand what would I have said to her that hasn't been said so many times before? I guess that maybe in restrospect that things turned out well. Ironically though, as Holly checked out of her hotel, she found that Loreena had been staying in the room opposite hers!
I spent a day at the Celtic festival in 2002, my first stay in France. Thanks for bringing back fond memories.
I'm not familiar with Loreena McKennitt's music, but enjoy Celtic music. Any suggestion on an album I should start off with?
Oh there are so many wonderful albums. Try The Mask and the Mirror.
For a wonderful experience, get the DVD of her performance in Granada - it is called Nights from the Alhambra and comes with 2 audio discs too - excellent value and a real insight into the work of Loreena.
There are many tracks on Youtube too. Try Danté's Prayer - My friend Holly - in the pic has also done a cover version, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8Ay8JcWdQc&feature=user I'd be interested to know what you think!
Thanks so much for your comments.
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