The older I get, the more i realise how little i know.
I am in a quiz team and normally we do pretty well, in fact we win too often for comfort and most teams are glad when we don't turn up. We are also the ones to beat of course, and last night we were! Fundamentally, there were two complete rounds, about which we knew almost nothing. The first of these was about auctions, and never having attended one of these, and having almost no interest in shopping of any kind, I had no idea of the differences between Christies, Tattersals and Sothebies, I had bnever heard of a commission auction, although I had heard of ebay. The next round was even worse, and was all about various computer games. Now i am no stranger to computers and to games, but I know nothing of fighting dolphins and the like and so we failed dismally.
The quiznight is a great indicator of ignorance and I know that I know almost nothing about a whole list of topics, including American sport, American state capitals, soap operas, television in general and especially reality TV, I know little about sport in general, and i care nothing for celebrities. My geography is weak, as is my history, and I have no idea which of our monarchs preceded which and who arranged for the murder of whom. I speak no foreign languages and that includes Astrology. My recall of Greek and Roman mythology is shaky, and I am terrible at recognising the faces of the rich and famous.
I could go on, the list seems endless, and the list of things that I do know about is very short. I suspect that I am not alone here. I never considered myself particularly smart, nor stupid, but sometimes a quiz can make one feel the latter very easily.
Most people are in the same boat of course, and some can barely tie their own shoelaces, but there are so many things that everyone ought to know or be able to do in order to survive in a changing world. having said that, there is plenty of knowledge out there that I am grateful not to have, as they say - (THEY again!!) Ignorance is Bliss.
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