Saturday, 10 January 2009

Saturday and all is not well

Some days i get very tired of feeling unwell. This is one of them. I have broken out in hives yet again, my hands and scalp itch like crazy and I generally feel pretty much out of sorts. I wish i knew the cause of this, but I don't. It seems to have a life all of its own and periodically strikes me down, usually just as i am beginning to feel better.

I know that I have no right to moan and complain but it does seem that it is one thing after another right now and if this is a natural part of the aging process then I am not sure that it is better than the alternative. When i feel like this I seem to be able to do very little and what i do tends to work out badly.

Oh well i pledged to myself to attempt a daily entry here and that is the only reason that I am writing this. i am sure that it is not the sort of thing that people want to read anyhow, so i will stop.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you had that rest!!!!!
Take care..... today the sun is shining and you WILL feel better.