Last weekend, I was expecting to stay with my Son, Daughter and Son in law, as a nice quiet family get together. I had been asked if i wanted a party to celebrate my birthday, but i am not one for parties really, much preferring small gatherings - at least then i have a chance of hearing what is going on.
Heading towards the M25, I was actually processing what it is that i don't like about surprises. I hate the feeling that I am not in control and that I have no power to change that. It comes i know from all that hospital time, when nothing was ever explained to me. I had no option but to comply with everything that happened to me and never knew where i was going on a day to day basis.
Anyhow, knowing where i was going to be felt good, until we turned left instead of right onto the M25. The signs for Heathrow began to look very large, and I realised that i was not going where I had hoped. I had been duped and as we parked the car in a long stay park and headed into the terminal building I still had no idea where i was going. There was apparently plenty of time, so no hurry to check in, and much faffing and fiddling ensued. First there was a need for food, then water, then the loo. Eventually I too succumbed and headed for the gents, thinking, that I was going to miss seeing the kids, but also wondering where we were going.
I came out and wandered back to the case. And then they emerged around a corner - all three of them complete with luggage. WE were ALL going. I am not easily surprised and don't much go for them, but this was a wonderful surprise indeed. My face was a picture so it is said. A package was thrust into my hands and i was instructed to open it. A travel guide to Barcelona and a book on Gaudi. We were off to Catalonia.
We checked in and i got frisked as always, then we were led to the BA lounge and sat in luxury with free food and drink until the flight was called. A wonderfully smooth flight and a couple of hours later and we were in a spacious apartment in the Gothic Region of the city, and out on the town a few moments later.
This was the start of a fabulous weekend, in a truly breathtaking city.
1 comment:
Hee hee!
I knew it wouldn't be just an ordinary weekend...
Anxiously waiting for part 2!
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