Recently, in the aftermath of my writing course, i have bought a lot of books, many of them on how not to write. Although interesting, it strikes me that a lot of people out there are writing books about writing, rather than getting on with the job of actually doing it for themselves.
It used to be said that those that can do, do, whilst those that can't, teach. I guess that your views on this depend on your own experiences. Everyone has been to school so everyone is an expert on teaching. It is such an easy job, with short hours and long holidays, i don't know why there are not queues waiting to get into the profession. Well actually I can understand it, and have seen many people from industry rushing into schools wondering why the kids won't listen, why they won't behave themselves and why they can't impart that mass of knowledge and experience that they are so proud of.
Teaching is bloody hard, if you do it properly. It requires knowledge yes, but so much more than that. At the heart of it lies an understanding of the kids. It is so easy to forget what that is like. They are not just little adults and more importantly they are all different, with different needs and problems. As a teacher, each day you may stand in front of a hundred or more human beings, each one a complex personality, and many of whom will be carrying baggage from the outside world that has far more impact on their life than you ever can. It is your job to engage these young persons in whatever it is that you are paid to teach. Imagine the prospect of trying to make fractional distillation or vulgar fractions interesting to a teenage girl that has been thrown out of her home or a boy that knows that there are bullies waiting for him at the school gate. These are the realities of the job, as well as pushing motivated kids along the tedious pathway towards the examinations. Breaking up fights, being threatened and abused are all part of the normal day and i won't go into the piles of paperwork that has to justify everything that you do.
I don't believe that there are perfect teachers. Oh some are very good and some are bloody awful, i have worked with both types, but we all have our flaws and our bad days, and we are all guilty of letting some kids down, but when they come to you in groups of thirty or more, it is sometimes hard to see the wood for the trees.
I have wittered enough. I will keep reading the "how not to" books, but one of these days, as I have no real excuse, I must get around to baring my soul in writing again. I need someone to take me by the ear and force me into it. Maybe a teacher!!
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