Tuesday 5 January 2010


I don't think that I have ever had much of a sense of direction. Mostly my life has happened to me, and although i have a natural tendency to fight against the flow, I get swept along on a pretty well worn channel. I cannot claim to have had no opportunities, as I was lucky enough to have been born with a higher than average intelligence and a strong instinct for survival. I went to Grammar school but didn't know why and basically squandered my time there, drifting aimlessly into a career in teaching. Don't get me wrong, I did enjoy working with students and like to think that I was able to help some along the way and even steered some in directions that I might have followed with the right kind of guidance.

Every time I read a book, especially one that really grabs me, I aspire to be a writer. I cobble together this blog on a fairly irregular basis and that is about as far as it goes. Oh I have written a few short stories and even done a short course in creative writing but I cannot seem to manage a long term project. I lie in bed at night and have great ideas for stories but when it comes to applying myself to the task of setting down those ideas my terrible sense of direction fails me again and again. I must have started a dozen or more novels, and have yet to get past the first chapter.

They say that everyone has a novel inside them just waiting to get out. I suppose by that, whoever came up with that meant that we all have a different story to tell. When it comes down to it though, most of us lead fairly dull lives; we exist and our presence means very little to the world in general. Only a fortunate minority manage to make a difference, and their stories would be worth reading.

Rarely do I have any idea what I want to say when I start this blog. Today is no exception. If you have read my entries before, you will realise that I don't even proof read and no my writing tends to be full of errors. The reason for that is fundamentally idleness and I apologise to anyone who is affronted by my apparent lack of care. I do in fact care a great deal about what people think of what I write and value your comments and criticisms. I don't suppose that I will change too much in respect to my frequent rants, but hey this is one place where, for now, I can say what I want.

Maybe this year i will make a greater effort to write better and more frequently. Perhaps , just perhaps I can develop one of those dormant ideas into something a little more worthwhile. I'll keep you posted.


Martin Lowe said...

Hello. I just stumbled upon this blog, happy I did. I haven't read much yet, but I like the thought paths it has lead me to already. You mentioned the glorious thought that everybody has a novel inside of them and that you have troubles writing longer books. What is stopping you? The linguistic aspect is clearly not an issue, despite not proof-reading. I had a teacher that always told me that every idea is worth acting out on (in this case, writing about), even the worst ones. Simply because ideas spawn other ideas. Eventually you will find YOUR novel. This all sounds rather generic however, I guess I'm just trying to get you to write that book, start the great project that has eluded you. After all, when everything has left us and nothing is left, all we have is ourselves and time on our hands. So take time and write!

Best regards,
Martin Lowe

p.s. I apologise for the cheesiness!

Paul said...

Thanks Martin for the moral support. I really do intend to do something but as they say - the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I have a beginning and an end - itis the bit in the middle that is proving to be hard!