Thursday, 3 May 2007


No sign of a change in the weather. It feels like August and I am disporting myself in shorts and teeshirts on a daily basis. Long may it last.
I found out this morning how to upload images to this site so I will add a graphic element to my ramblings and perhaps that will make the whole thing appear to be more worthwhile.
I was thinking that maybe I should try to be controversial, but that is becoming increasingly difficult. I suppose i could get onto the subject of religion, but as i despise all religions equally even that is a tricky one, besides no-one wants a fatwah placed upon them for simply expressing a viewpoint do they Salman? So maybe I'll just stick to the mundane and everyday life of someone who never was.
I have my musical student coming today. That is something to look forward to and I hope that I can be of some help to her. I am sure that she just needs to build some confidence in her abilities, other than those of a musician.
Apart from that I did have some interesting mail today. As a result of one of the bloody assignments - the one I have yet to complete - the manager of the bar that I have been designing materials for, wants me to take on the brochure and stationery for his hotel. That will be quite a big task but hell - what else do I have to do?
I have a little icon flashing on my screen that I haven't seen before. Let me investigate.
Ah it's a warning to tell me that my bluetooth wireless keyboard battery is expiring. I'll wrap up now and maybe come back later when i have found a replacement or found something worth writing about.
Take care and have a good day.

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