Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Mumbo jumbo


Your intuitive nature is especially strong, dear Capricorn, and you won't have to think about things because you have the ability to just know what the answer is. If there is any penetrating detective work that needs to be done, this would be an excellent time to get to work on it. Your caring, sensitive nature will get you through any door you want to walk through today, so keep that smile on your face at all times.

That was my horoscope for today, which if it is to be believed, holds true for 1 in 12 of the world population. I don't hold much store by any mumbo jumbo at all, and the idea that our lives are influenced by alignments of planets, and or constellations that are so distant that the numbers boggle the mind, seems so bizzarre as to border on the ridiculous. And yet there is a huge industry attached to horoscopes. Millions of people, not all of them stupid, do believe and organise their lives on the advice of some mystic or other who consults astrological charts and makes up statements so vague that they could apply to anyone at any time.

I suppose that astrology, like religion, gives people a straw to grasp in a world that is becoming increasingly more complex. There are others who seem to cope with change and mystery without the need for such a crutch, but there are plenty out there who have a real need for fantasy in their lives to fill gaps in knowledge and ability to comprehend.

I have heard it said that there are no athiests on a battlefield. I don't believe that for one minute. Can people go through their whole lives without the need for supernature, suddenly develop that need, simply because their life may be coming to an end? I suspect not, although I can understand some people not being prepared to drop the God thing altogether, let's face it we all use insurance policies.

Today, I am intuitive. Well I have my moments like everyone else and yes I do tend to have a sense of what someone that I know well is going to do. There are some people that I have been able to predict since I have known them and yet there are others that I have no clue about. My caring sensitive nature will get me through any door? Well as it is raining again and I plan to stay in that can only mean metaphorical doors, so I'll keep a watching brief on that one. Those who know me would laugh at the notion of me keeping a smile on my face. It has been a while since that happened I assure you. Mostly I don't.

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