So Tony Blair is to stand down. Now I am sure that there are so many people out there, that will be glad to hear that. For every leader, the continuous erosion by the media takes its toll and he has been rained on for a long time. The right wing press has done its customary assassination, and no doubt the self serving, grasping and ignorant will soon have the opportunity to bring their party back into power. Those who consider Mr Blair to be a bad prime minister, would do well to recall some of his predecessors. Remember Margaret Thatcher and the destruction of British society and industry? Remember the Falklands war and the sinking of the Belgrano? Remember the total uselessness and impotence of John Major? Now imagine what he might be replaced by. Can you really imagine Gordon Brown as PM? Well get used to that for a while and then consider the Tory Party again. Look at what they did last time and start planning for vast leaps in mortgage rates, cuts in public service and the gap between the poor and the rich growing exponentially.
It seems that the whole world is turning right once more and soon it will be back to every man for himself and sod the rest.
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